Professional Painting Services
Or Call: 0411 058 466
Quality first
Our Experience Makes Your Job Different
At Sheen painting, we aim to provide unique painting solutions, specific to the needs of our clients.
Our Services
Interior Services
Ceilings and walls
Stain and REfinishing
Doors and Architraves
Exterior Services
Walls and eaves
Pressure WashING
Gutters and fascia
Doors and windows
Decks and all timber works

About Us
Sheen Painting was formed by Ben Nematian and is based in the Hills District of Sydney, NSW Australia. We have been in business for more than 30 years and have earned an excellent reputation for creativity and quality. Mr Nematian personally supervises the work on all Sheen Painting jobs to ensure their workmanship meets the highest possible standards. You can be assured that he will be available for consultation on a daily basis on site, should you have any preferences or questions regarding our professional procedures.